Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Modern architecture and rustic elements

This house is able to really cause cessation of breath with admiration - stone walls and large windows with stunning views of the ocean are more than amazing.
Practically carved into the sloping hilly landscape , the building embodies all the details of the highest aesthetic level living along the coast. Just as the house is closely connected with the surrounding nature and all rooms enjoy the lack of boundaries between inside and outside .

 This caution is made ​​using limestone floors and natural wood, which are made curved ceiling beams and decorative columns in the living area. Large fireplace and soft furnishings in white are a great place to relax in the company of beautiful views.

Hanging lamps with original designs are interesting accent to the room in which the meeting gave their modern and rustic elements . The bedrooms also offer close contact with an incredible view of the ocean thanks to the large panoramic windows. This house is a great example of skillful linking landscape with modern functional furniture and aesthetic interiors.

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